If the present is a stratification of the past,
Egypt is the perfect example.
It all started 6000 years ago,
and in certain villages not beaten by the wind of tourism, ancient history can still be breathed.
The nile remains a large plastic tank and life,
and agriculture the main engine of a country,
that struggles every day to keep up with an increasingly evolved world.
The inhabitants live with poverty among mud houses, and try to reinvent themselves every day in order to survive seeing the tourist the only one who can bring a wind of hope in a too gray future.
From the glitz of Alexandria in the past, to the chaos of Cairo, and then to fly into history on the banks of poverty between Aswan and Luxor, Egypt reserves wonders with every wave.
And I go back with a tired head and the awareness of how grateful I must be to this life,
which I built a little but it has always been downhill,
having never had to climb the mountains that every Egyptian has in front of him every day
and not being able to see how beautiful the view is from up here.